
“Resurrecting the Politics of St. Paul: Truth and the Subject”

University of Virginia

Jefferson Hall

March 27th

9AM to 9PM




Alain Badiou

(Ecole normale supérieure and the Collège international de philosophie, Paris)


Daniel Bell

(Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary)


Simon Critchley

(New School for Social Research and the Collège international de philosophie, Paris)


Eleanor Kaufman

(University of Virginia)


John Milbank

(University of Virginia)


Eugene Rogers

(University of Virginia)


Regina Schwartz

(Northwestern University)


Kenneth Surin

(Duke University)


The central theme of the symposium is the attempt to think the composition of truth and the political within the post-modern, late-capitalist epoch. One recent and innovative political paradigm is proposed by Alain Badiou. Badiou proposes a radical and provocative reinterpretation of St. Paul.  Paul delineates a new figure of the subject: the bearer of a universal truth that simultaneously shatters the strictures of Judaic law and conventions of the Greek Logos.  Badiou attempts to show that the Pauline figure of the subject still harbors a genuinely revolutionary potential today: the subject is that which refuses to submit to the order of the world as we know it and struggles for a new one instead.


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Sponsored by, Religious Studies, English, American Studies, Politics,

 Wabash Center